
Making your way into the wild new world of pluripotent stem cells & cell therapies...


Making your way into the wild new world of pluripotent stem cells & cell therapies...

Stem Cells & Cell Therapy Blog – In the Stem Cell Jungle, by TreeFrog Therapeutics

The webcast In the Stem Cell Jungle becomes a blog about pluripotent stem cells and their applications in cell therapy. Maxime Feyeux, CSO of TreeFrog, who was hosting the webcast on youtube, is now editor of the blog, which brings together developmental biology insights about pluripotent stem cells (both iPS & ES cells) and views from the industry about iPS-derived cell therapies for regenerative medicine and immune-oncology. The blog is also featuring free access resources, such as a whitebook about the epiblast rosette and how to leverage this in vivo structure to manufacture iPSCs at scale using biomimetic technologies such as C-Stem, as well as a list of cell therapy programs based on pluripotent stem cells in clinical trial.