iPS cell safety : the Oncopanel Test I Laurence Daheron I In the Stem Cell Jungle

iPS cell safety : the Oncopanel Test I Laurence Daheron I In the Stem Cell Jungle

Laurence Daheron, Phd, Head of the iPS Core Facility at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, discusses the industrial challenges related to cell therapies: manufacturing, safety testing, administration mode. 



We are obviously not focusing so much on cGMP or clinical grade IPS. Obviously for clinical-grade iPS, you need to say a lot more but all the different mutations that could arise during the reprogramming and the expansion. So we had one collaboration with a group at Dana Farber where we generated some cGMP lines. And what we did for this line is a test called oncopanel. And we looked at, I think it was, about 446 onco genes, looking at any CNV or SNV in this 446 onco genes. So instead of doing any Seq, or full genome sequencing, we decided to focus on just onco genes.